Cross Stitch Chart Picket Fences - Jeanette Crews Designs

Cross Stitch Chart Picket Fences - Jeanette Crews Designs

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Leaflet with 7 designs and 12 pages.
Sunflowers & Pansies (56 x 105 stitches)
Mailbox & Morning Glories (109 x 92 stitches)
Basket & Crepe Myrtle (115 x 82 stitches)
Poppies & Daisies (66 x 108 stitches)
Bird's Nest (44 x 65 stitches)
Wheelbarrow (115 x 74 stitches)
Bucket (42 x 68 stitches)
SKU: jcd-1223
Keywords: flowers


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